OA journals and series
ULB supports the publishing of Open Access journals and publication series with its free TUjournals service if at least one of the publishers is a member or affiliate of TU Darmstadt.
We offer:
- Advice on founding journals
- Provision of the technical infrastructure
- Publishing support
- Applying for an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
- Assignment of a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and URN (Uniform Resource Name)
- Creation of an XML version for various applications
Choose from two publication systems:
Janeway (Open Source Publishing Plattform)
- for all departments
- Editorial system accompanies the publication process from submission through peer review, revisions and typesetting
- if necessary, web layout created or adapted by a graphic design office
- Janeway training arranged for publishers
- hosting and migration of OA journals
- TU Darmstadt's Open Access repository
- for all departments
- for journals and series
Eligibility criteria
We have compiled the eligibility criteria for OLH journals under Funding for the publication of an OA journal.